Output of the Sonic Dancer Sharing for Arts Coucil England

original sharing date: Tuesday, 15 March 2022: 11.00 -12.30pm

In this video, we summarize the sharing of the latest latest innovations and insights about how sound can represent and generate movement, in addition to demonstrating a newly...

Sonic Dancer Sharing for Arts Coucil England

dates: Tuesday, 15 March 2022: 11.00 -12.30pm

Please join us for a special interactive presentation of SONIC DANCER’S second phase of R&D, to be held on March 15, 2022.

Over the past 10 months, new discoveries and capabilities have come to light dur...

The Studio Open Morning at Bath Digital Festival

dates:Wednesday 20th October 2021, 10am to 1pm

Come and see what’s happening behind the door of Bath Spa University’s Enterprise and Innovation Hub…

Residents of the Studio will be showcasing their work and discussing research and projects with...

Embracing the unknown in collaboration

dates: 29 September 2021, 6.30 – 8 PM, Online (via Zoom)

The last year and a half has encouraged many artists to experiment with new ways of collaborating- often at the intersection of multiple disciplines, practices, and time zones. Join us as artists refl...

Bath Spa University Residency 2021

dates: 13th to 17th of September 2021

During this R&D residency week we achieved the milestone of automating some sounds in the Sonic Dancer device. We moved from pure sound engineering to adding some automation. We tested the sounds with dancers in the same sp...